Get in Community

Answer your calling...
Women's Ministry Team Members help registrants at sign-up table

Find Your Ministry

Welcome to our vibrant community! We believe that each member has a unique gift and calling. You'll discover various opportunities to contribute your talents and passions. Whether it's through music, outreach, or education, there's a ministry waiting for you. Take a moment to browse, and let your journey towards deeper connections and meaningful service begin. 

Answer Your Calling

Embrace the calling that tugs at your heart! We invite you to reflect on the spiritual path laid out for you. Explore your personal journey and discern the ways in which you can make a difference. Your unique skills and experiences are a valuable part of our community tapestry. Let Atherton be a place of inspiration as you navigate the fulfilling and purpose-driven road that lies ahead. 
Min. Delores Lakey-Stewart leads volunteers in drive-thru food pantry activities

Contribute as a Volunteer

Our church thrives on the commitment and passion of our volunteers. Become an integral part of the positive change we aim to create. Whether it's lending a helping hand in community events, supporting our youth programs, or contributing your skills behind the scenes, your involvement matters. Discover the countless ways you can make a lasting impact through the simple act of giving your time and talents. 

Discover Your Ministry... Get Connected!